Tag: Planning
School of Architecture and Planning Public Reviews
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Public Event, Auckland,
28 May 2012 to 1 Jun 2012
During the Semester 1 2012 public studio reviews, students will present their design work for discussion with invited guest crates and teaching staff.
During the Semester 1 2012 public studio reviews, students will present their design work for discussion with invited guest crates and teaching staff.

NZ Planning Institute Annual Conference
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Conference, Blenheim,
1 May 2012 to 4 May 2012
The themes of resilience, governance, partnership and space and place will be examined at this year’s conference, in the context of current and recent developments …
The themes of resilience, governance, partnership and space and place will be examined at this year’s conference, in the context of current and recent developments …

Green Star Accredited Professional training course
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Conference, Dunedin,
13 Jun 2012 to 14 Jun 2012
A two day course that includes a day of lecture/workshop tuition and one day of computer-based tuition, including a question and answer session with an experienced Green Star professional.
A two day course that includes a day of lecture/workshop tuition and one day of computer-based tuition, including a question and answer session with an experienced Green Star professional.

Green Star Practitioner training course
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Conference, Dunedin,
13 Jun 2012
A one day lecture and workshop-based tuition on how to become a Green Star Practitioner.
A one day lecture and workshop-based tuition on how to become a Green Star Practitioner.

Homestar Practitioner course in Auckland
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Conference, Auckland,
30 Apr 2012
A course that enables you to qualify and operate as a Homestar Practitioner for the certified Homestar residential rating tool.
A course that enables you to qualify and operate as a Homestar Practitioner for the certified Homestar residential rating tool.

Homestar Practitioner course in Wellington
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Conference, Wellington,
9 May 2012
A course that enables you to qualify and operate as a Homestar Practitioner for the certified Homestar residential rating tool.
A course that enables you to qualify and operate as a Homestar Practitioner for the certified Homestar residential rating tool.

Steel: the proven performer for a new Christchurch
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Conference, Christchurch,
29 Feb 2012
The rebuilding of Christchurch brings a unique opportunity to create a desireable and future-proofed CBD.
The rebuilding of Christchurch brings a unique opportunity to create a desireable and future-proofed CBD.

Earth, Straw and More in the 21st Century
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Conference, Auckland,
27 Sep 2011
A conference hosted by Min Hall, as part of Future Proof 2011, about the performance and potential for natural and alternative building materials.
A conference hosted by Min Hall, as part of Future Proof 2011, about the performance and potential for natural and alternative building materials.

Creative Research: Postgraduate Study Information Evening
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Public Event, Auckland,
21 Sep 2011
Find out about postgraduate study and research in Architecture, Planning and Urban Design, Dance Studies, Fine Arts, Music and Sonic Arts.
Find out about postgraduate study and research in Architecture, Planning and Urban Design, Dance Studies, Fine Arts, Music and Sonic Arts.

Sustain / Create
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Public Event, Auckland,
22 Sep 2011
Sustain/Create is the first in series of public discussions focused on questions of design, creativity and sustainability.
Sustain/Create is the first in series of public discussions focused on questions of design, creativity and sustainability.

You Are Here: Mapping Auckland
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Public Event, Auckland,
30 Sep 2011 to 9 Mar 2012
This exhibition of maps, dating back to the 1800s, shows how Auckland has been planned, projected, organised, arranged and designed many times over.
This exhibition of maps, dating back to the 1800s, shows how Auckland has been planned, projected, organised, arranged and designed many times over.

Green City Dialogues
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Conference, Christchurch,
25 Aug 2011 to 18 Oct 2011
This conference series aims to facilitate discussions around the key issues of rebuilding Christchurch.
This conference series aims to facilitate discussions around the key issues of rebuilding Christchurch.