Tag: Opinion
Creating space
Karamia Müller reflects on the interplay between writing and architecture and how both create space for peace of mind during moments of overwhelming productivity.

On closer examination
Pip Cheshire contemplates the immeasurable benefits gained by the empirical study of the world around us, from geometry and acoustics to transept surveys.

Function follows flashy façades and photos
Opinion: Are we leaving buildings in the lurch while the façades are still gleaming and the award still twinkling in the boardroom?

Ready for reform
Opinon: Peter Townsend, Auckland Branch Chair of the NZIA writes an open letter in response to Hon Chris Penk’s proposals around building consents earlier this week.

Finding a public voice
Opinion: Pip Cheshire believes architects should be at the vanguard of those giving voice to improve our environment, and that the Institute should be their megaphone.

The (carbon) elephant in the room
Heritage architect Joanna Theodore writes about the negative repercussions of removing the iconic Gordon Wilson Flats from the Heritage Schedule.

Freedom for the hollow lands
Karamia Müller considers the ‘architecture’ of land occupation and the ideological differences that reveal the politics of sovereignty.

It’s time to change the way we charge for architecture
Data continues to show architects and designers earn less than professionals in other industries - rethinking how we charge for architecture can reverse this trend.

Is the system working?
Karamia Müller looks beyond the “electoral moment” to the built realm and asks whether or not the system is working.

What water?
Karamia Müller considers the politics of the built realm and uses a clever analogy asking “How’s the water?” to address the impact of social conditioning on how we view the housing crisis.

The good, the bad and the ugly
Pip Cheshire advocates for greater diversity and inclusivity in the design and planning of architecture in New Zealand’s cities.

Musings from a masterplanner
Anthony Vile, Urban Design Lead at Context Architects, believes urban design in Aotearoa is at a turning point and current government policy up for consultation could point the way forward.

House talk
Pip Cheshire has a quiet conversation with his house.

That’s it, I’m architecture shaming
Patrick Sherwood, writes on the rise of architectural parody forums on social media, where flippant critiques of ‘bad architecture’ might help inform the wider discourse.

In favour of spiders
Pip Cheshire considers the new and profound challenges presented by recent climate change and how best to deal with them.

The line between good and bad
Karamia Müller believes that if beauty in architecture is attainable then so, too, should be equity.

The bots are here
Karamia Müller considers artificial intelligence, its relationship to creativity, and the ethics surrounding its application in the course of architectural study and/or practice.

Guy Marriage on building for climate change
The houses that survived the Esk floods this time also survived the Esk floods last time, for the same reasons — siting the house on a rise, not on the valley floor, Guy Marriage writes.

Building a profile
Patrick Sherwood writes on the influence of slick marketing on the architecture industry.

Revisiting the Aaltos
Pete Bossley tours Finnish architecture and design, using drawing as thinking to uncover its power.