Tag: Future projects
New renders visualise the proposed Te Tōangaroa stadium by global firm HKS in collaboration with Ngāti Whatua Ōrākei and local design partners Buchan and TOA.

First stage of The Foundation nears completion
The first stage of Generus Living Group’s latest high-end retirement village designed by Peddlethorp, The Foundation, is due for completion in September.

Fisher & Paykel on the move
Fisher & Paykel Appliances has released the design of its new global headquarters in Auckland’s Penrose.

Waikato Theatre connects to river
Work has begun on Kirikiriroa Hamilton’s new performing arts centre, designed by Jasmax in collaboration with British theatre design consultants Charcoalblue’s Melbourne studio.

Sylvia Park precinct’s new outdoor living room
Woods Bagot and Peddlethorp, together with an urban design team from Boffa Miskell have reimagined the arrival to Sylvia Park Shopping Centre as an “outdoor living room”.