Tag: Environmental product
Affordable house impresses global judges
Amongst this year’s World Architecture Festival short list was an unexpected find in the Future Projects - House category — a flat-pack home, designed by RTA Studio.

Pivot House and Four Winds: Designing sustainability
These two homes by Borrmeister Architects utlise floorplan, natural energy and resources, to create comfortable and sustainable living for their clients.

Seaweed plasterboard set to grow
Andy (Minhong) Park, an international student at The University of Canterbury has developed an eco-friendly wall panel product out of seaweed.

Could sweating walls replace air con?
A Spanish research prototype based on sweating human skin could reduce internal temperatures by five degrees Celcius.

World Conference on Timber Engineering
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Conference, Auckland,
15 Jul 2012 to 19 Jul 2012
A first for New Zealand, this conference will discuss the developments of timber structures and joint timber research in New Zealand as well as the best internationally.
A first for New Zealand, this conference will discuss the developments of timber structures and joint timber research in New Zealand as well as the best internationally.

Earth, Straw and More in the 21st Century
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Conference, Auckland,
27 Sep 2011
A conference hosted by Min Hall, as part of Future Proof 2011, about the performance and potential for natural and alternative building materials.
A conference hosted by Min Hall, as part of Future Proof 2011, about the performance and potential for natural and alternative building materials.

Clean Energy Expo
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Exhibition, Taupo,
13 Oct 2011 to 16 Oct 2011
A showcase of New Zealand’s clean energy technologies will be open to the public.
A showcase of New Zealand’s clean energy technologies will be open to the public.