Tag: Diversity
Celebrating female architects
To celebrate International Women’s Day, Wellington architecture studio Solari is sharing some of its many female voices.

More internships needed to encourage minority groups into design
He Tangata Māori design internship recipient Ahlia-Mei Ta’ala says more Māori visibility in the architecture and landscape architecture fields is needed.

Flexible time and accessible space: Anne Salmond
In this interview from The Diversity Agenda, architect Anne Salmond discusses the firm’s diverse workforce and environment that is open, accessible and encourages creativity.

Jasmax wins at Diversity Awards NZ
Diversity Works NZ has honoured the firm, in part for the work of Waka Māia – its Māori cultural design advisory team – with the Cultural Celebration Award.

Our Aotearoa: Te Tiriti o Waitangi and equity in architecture
In the first of a new column that aims to amplify minority voices, Jade Kake and Desna Whaanga-Schollum discuss how Te Tiriti underpins indigenous approaches to design.

Diversity talks: Ngata Tapsell
A Warren and Mahoney associate and advocate for indigenous architecture talks about his hopes for the built environment.

Power to the people: Maia Ratana
This architecture researcher is on a mission to empower young Māori to take control of their spaces.

Diversity talks: Jasmax roundtable
Some of the team behind AUT’s new Ngā Wai Hono building chat about working in diverse teams to create inviting spaces.

Diversity in architecture: part two
Hear from four young practitioners about their experiences working as minorities in the architecture industry.

Diversity in architecture: part one
Camille Khouri and Justine Harvey explore what greater ethnic diversity would mean for the industry.

Shifting the diversity dial
Susan Freeman-Greene of Engineering New Zealand on the need for better female representation in the building industry.