Change brewing

Change brewing

Projects | A $42 million revamp of four former brewery buildings is nearing completion after an extremely tight nine-month construction period.
Locked in

Locked in

Projects | The new police headquarters in Rotorua merges culture and innovation, and develops the application of PRESSS technology.
Posted: 21 Feb 2014
Shed 10

Shed 10

Projects | Jasmax applies a light touch to the refurbishment of one of the last remaining industrial buildings on Auckland’s waterfront.
On track

On track

Projects | A world-class cycling facility is taking shape near Cambridge. We talked to Livingstone Builders about this complex build.


Projects | Inside ASB’s new regional branch in Tauranga, a workplace where an overt theme takes precedence over company branding.
ANZ Centre

ANZ Centre

Projects | Warren and Mahoney’s elegant transformation of the ANZ Centre injects a healthy dose of creativity and civic amenity.