Tag: Climate change
Innovative urban resilience in Moananui Oceania
AUT researcher Maibritt Pedersen-Zari summarises the key initiatives and research behind NUWAO’s new, free-to-access Nature-based Solutions Design Guide.

Stripped to its bones for the planet
In Building 201’s extensive makeover by Jasmax for Waipapa Taumata Rau University of Auckland, Bill McKay finds the future of architecture is not about prioritising appearance, it is about taking climate change seriously.

Green homes celebrated with Superhome Awards
The Superhome Of The Year Awards sponsored by GIB, celebrated climate-positive homes in New Zealand including a significant milestone in passive housing.

In pursuit of rapid, effective adaptation to climate change
Professor Maibritt Pedersen Zari at Auckland’s AUT, discusses her Design for Climate Adaptation: Knowledge to Action research.

Impervious vs absorbent
Chris Barton looks at the need for ‘sponge city’ and water-sensitive urban design to make our cities safe.

World Green Building Week 2023
The World Green Building Council (WorldGBC) has announced the 14th annual World Green Building Week, taking place 11–15 September 2023.

Auckland Climate Festival kicks off
Over one hundred activations, events, pop-ups, offerings and gatherings will be taking place across Auckland, drawing attention to and educating on how to accelerate climate action.

Guy Marriage on building for climate change
The houses that survived the Esk floods this time also survived the Esk floods last time, for the same reasons — siting the house on a rise, not on the valley floor, Guy Marriage writes.

Possibilities for the future of the city
Mark Southcombe, Hannah Hopewell and Isaac Velasco present an edited discussion on the process and findings of two multi-scaled, urban architecture and landscape design research studios.

After the floods
Editor Chris Barton writes on the expected frequency of extreme weather in New Zealand and outlines why the profession needs to make climate change its focus.

Landmark climate crisis plans acknowledged
The first-ever town plan for the Cook Islands capital Avarua has been recognised for its response to the climate crisis.

David Trubridge on colonialism, capitalism and how to think like a tree
World-renowned designer David Trubridge believes we must decolonise our mindset and indigenise architecture, learning to think more like trees and design like nature.

Auckland Climate Festival goes big
Auckland Climate Festival 2022 has released its complete programme of 125+ innovative and engaging climate focussed events.

Housing Summit 2022
Join hundreds of people who want our homes to be better, healthier, low carbon places in which New Zealanders thrive at the Housing Summit 2022.

Atmospheric submersion
Chris Barton considers the awesome forces of nature and looks for our plans to adapt in the latest editorial from Architecture NZ magazine.

Must do better
Chris Barton speaks on the subject of climate change and kindly unpacks what architects need to know in order to do better. And we must do better.

Last chance to have your say on Climate Change draft advice
The Climate Change Commission has already received over 6000 submissions on its draft advice package, but the public has until Sunday 28 March to have their say.

Climate Change Commission extends public consultation period
The Commission is asking for public opinions on their draft advice to Government on reaching net zero emissions by 2050, and submissions can now be made until 28 March.

Climate change: Action from the ground up
Commercial flooring company Interface explores how the construction industry can play a part in combating climate change.

Adaptive planning for climate change
Landscape Architecture Aotearoa discusses the various ways that adaptive planning can help coasts cope with climate change.