Tag: Art
Summer series #6: Grand Tour drawings
The sketches of Arnika Blount from Jasmax and Harry Street of Creative Spaces finish up our Grand Tour summer series.

Summer series #5: Grand Tour drawings
The artworks of Sir Miles Warren, David Mitchell and Julie Stout feature in our fifth Grand Tour summer series.

Summer series #4: Grand Tour drawings
For the fourth Grand Tour summer series, we showcase the sketches of architects Jasper van der Lingen and Gordon Moller.

Summer series #3: Grand Tour drawings
Beautiful works by Pete Bossley and Richard Harris are the focus of the third installation of our Grand Tour summer series.

Summer series #2: Grand Tour drawings
A weekly series celebrating Kiwi architect and designers’ drawings from abroad. Edwin Elliott and Erica Kenny are up second.

Summer series #1: Grand Tour drawings
The intricate drawings of Nat Cheshire and John Baker feature in the first of our Grand Tour sketches summer series.

Architecture as art
What can we learn from architecture collective Assemble’s prestigious Turner Prize win?

Cultivate it as you will
Photographer Mickey Smith delves into the history of eighteen libraries gifted to New Zealand and their modern-day uses.

Inside the Len Lye
Is it possible to create a space that captures, frames and celebrates the constant movement of Len Lye’s work?

SCAPE 8: Public Art Walkway
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Exhibition, Christchurch,
3 Oct 2015 to 15 Nov 2015
A 3km public art walkway open Oct 3 – Nov 15 will be part of the Scape 8 New Intimacies Public Art Christchurch Biennial.
A 3km public art walkway open Oct 3 – Nov 15 will be part of the Scape 8 New Intimacies Public Art Christchurch Biennial.

Architecture under the shutter
Colin Martin visits touring exhibition Constructing Worlds: Photography and Architecture
in the Modern Age.

Black Rainbow
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Exhibition, Auckland,
11 Dec 2014 to 1 Mar 2015
Te Uru Waitakere Contemporary Gallery presents an exhibition of work by two leading New Zealand artists.
Te Uru Waitakere Contemporary Gallery presents an exhibition of work by two leading New Zealand artists.

Russell McVeagh
This law firm’s refit takes its cues from an impressive art collection.

ADNZ Architecture Masterclass
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7 Nov 2014 to 9 Nov 2014
The Architectural Designers New Zealand (ADNZ) Masterclass is set to take place against the backdrop of Mt Cook.
The Architectural Designers New Zealand (ADNZ) Masterclass is set to take place against the backdrop of Mt Cook.

Happy Bones
A dynamic trio of Kiwi expats in New York have recently shifted their caffeine dispensary Happy Bones.

The Future Will Be Live
Christchurch’s Festival of Transitional Architecture (FESTA) is set to take place between 24-27 October.

Light Show 2014
An exhibition exploring the many qualities of light will run from 11 October until 2 February at the Auckland Art Gallery.

Dragonbox Design Group
Four Kiwi designers have joined to discuss, advise, share and most importantly, encourage one another, in art and design.

The Cubic Structural Evolution Project
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Exhibition, Auckland,
12 Sep 2014 to 15 Mar 2015
Auckland Art Gallery presents a hands-on architectural installation.
Auckland Art Gallery presents a hands-on architectural installation.