Tag: New Zealand Institute of Architects
Nelson–Marlborough Awards
Remediation, innovation and home-grown technologies rewarded at 2015 Nelson-Marlborough Architecture Awards.

New Zealand exhibition creative director
New Zealand Institute of Architects announces creative director of New Zealand Exhibition at 2016 Venice Architecture Biennale.

Waikato-BoP Architecture Awards
New public buildings for healthcare, policing and sports feature at the 2015 Waikato–Bay of Plenty Architecture Awards.

Kunle Adeyemi at in:situ
Jeremy Bailey reminisces on Kunle Adeyemi’s presentation at the NZIA’s 2015 conference, in:situ.

NZIA revisited
Interior sat down with Aaron Paterson and Patrick Loo to discuss the NZIA’s 2015 Conference.

Registrations open
The 2015 Interstices Under Construction Symposium ‘The Urban Thing’ will take place from 10 - 12 April.

NZIA announces architecture competition
Auckland design competition seeks exemplary models of medium density housing.

New Zealand Architecture Awards
Winners for 2014 were announced at a gala event at Shed 10 on 09 May.

Small house encapsulates big thinking
Design and build company Box Living wins award for modest house that’s big on living.

Southern region awards
14 winners across six categories announced at the NZIA 2013 Southern Architecture Awards.

Gisborne/Hawke’s Bay region awards
15 winners across six categories announced at the NZIA Gisborne/Hawke’s Bay Architecture Awards for 2013.

Wellington Region Awards
39 winners across six categories were announced at the 2013 NZIA Wellington Architecture Awards.

Nelson/Marlborough region awards
13 winners across six categories were announced at the NZIA Nelson/Marlborough Architecture Awards for 2013.

NZIA Waikato/BOP Region awards announced
17 winners across seven categories were announced at the 2013 Waikato/Bay of Plenty Architecture Awards.

NZIA Auckland Region awards announced
2013 Auckland Architecture Awards winners announced; 46 winners across 10 categories.

NZIA Canterbury Region awards announced
2013 Canterbury Architecture Awards winners announced; 21 winners across seven categories.

NZ at the Venice Architecture Biennale
A creative director is being sought for New Zealand’s national exhibition at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2014.

NZIA CEO announced
Teena Hale-Pennington has a track record as a strategist in sustainable development and the provision of affordable housing.

Glade house
A suburban retreat married to the landscape in the heart of Auckland.

Fast Forward 2012
Calendar |
Exhibition, Auckland,
18 Jul 2012
Stuart Gardyne, director of Wellington’s Architecture+ will present his recent works at The University of Auckland.
Stuart Gardyne, director of Wellington’s Architecture+ will present his recent works at The University of Auckland.