Zoë is an urbanist, passionate about urban design, planning, landscape and nature. Her work stems from an understanding that the urban spaces we create profoundly impact our lives and the planet. An authentic problem-solver Zoë’s research focuses on regenerative design, biodiversity, climate change adaptation, urban sustainability, nature-based solutions, urban design and urban planning policy development. She highlights the drastic 70% decline in wildlife populations during her lifetime, emphasising that our entire economy depends on nature, from food we eat to the air we breathe. She works to nurture and create spaces that embrace this interconnectedness to address environmental challenges sustainably. Zoë holds positions as: Associate Director of Design (Urban Planning) at Te Pare, School of Architecture and Planning at Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland; Director of The Urbanist; Chair of Design for Nature; and Director, Australasian Green Infrastructure Network.