Camille Khouri Writer, Photographer Contributor Profile Camille Khouri is a freelance writer and journalist. Khouri holds a Bachelor of Arts in English and Media Studies from the University of Auckland. Location Queenstown
The future of green building Review | Camille Khouri reviews the NZGBC and Property Council’s Green Property Summit 2017, held in late March in Auckland.
Through the looking glass Projects | Camille Khouri ventures to Waiheke Island’s newest winery, Tantalus Estate, and discovers sensory surprises galore.
Rebuilding better: Sheppard & Rout Projects | Camille Khouri visits the unique Christchurch-based premises of architecture firm Sheppard & Rout.
Buon appetito Projects | A new Auckland eatery with its heart in an Italian market and an alternative way of doing things.
Tree-hut hideaway: Jungle House Projects | Located on a mountainside in a clearing in the São Paulo jungle, this house has its head in the trees and its feet in the undergrowth.
Energy flows Projects | Trustpower moves with the times, embracing Activity Based Working in the design of its new premises.
The light revolution Review | New technologies are changing the way we light up our homes, through clever connectivity and innovative designs.
Sharing is caring Practice | Are co-working spaces coming of age? Camille Khouri gauges the popularity and feasibility of these peculiar working zones.
Parisian chic Projects | A couple’s collection of rare and unusual design and art pieces finds harmony in this tiny loft apartment.
Walking the talk Projects | Fonterra adopts activity-based working practices with the creation of its clean, green, corporate base in downtown Auckland.