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Alcazar, Sevilla courtyard.

Alcazar, Sevilla courtyard. Image: Christine Edstrom O'Hara

The Unitec Scala Seminar Series presents a free public seminar on Thursday 20 August, 2015 at 12.30 - 1.30pm at Unitec Institute of Technology, Mount Albert. The Scala Seminar Series is designed to provide students, staff and practitioners with high quality, relevant information from academics and practitioners on a variety of topics relating to the multi-disciplinarity of architecture, landscape design and landscape architecture.

The second talk in a series of two is presented by Sue Wake, senior lecturer in Landscape Architecture, Unitec Institute of Technology. The talk is titled The Moorish legacy - gardens, plants & landscapes from northern Morocco and southern Spain.

The Muslim Moors from Morocco in North Africa invaded Spain in 711. They were finally ousted from Andulusia (southern Spain) in 1492 (the Reconquista), 250 years after other parts of Spain. As a result, architecture and garden-making in Andulucia persisted in its Moorish influence much longer.

The Moorish courtyard (with water axes) references the paradise gardens of Persia, which is spoken of in the Koran. It is also a practical response to the hot climate and palaces such as the Alhambra typify this. 

Sue Wake visited northern Morocco and southern Spain in Oct 2014. In this seminar she will show famous garden examples that reflect the Moorish design similarities between Moroccan and Andulusian gardens, as well as some less well-known Spanish gardens and a glimpse at the majestic Atlas cedars, complete with Barbary apes, in their Middle-Atlas Moroccan home.

NZILA CPD: 0.5 points (category 3d), NZRAB CPD: 10 pts (register to sign at seminar), ADNZ CPD: 2 points.

Work Experience points available for attending BLA students (10).

For further seminar information visit the website. To join the mailing list contact [email protected]

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