Wellington Architecture Awards 2023: Shortlist revealed

Shortlisted - Housing: White House by Andrew Sexton Architecture. Image: Thomas Seear-Budd

Shortlisted - Housing: Kelp by Bull O’Sullivan Architecture. Image: Client

Shortlisted - Housing: Four Corners by First Light Studio. Image: David Hensel

Shortlisted - Housing: Aotea Home by foster+melville architects. Image: Thomas Seear-Budd

Shortlisted - Housing: Waikanae Beach House by Lovell and O’Connell Architects. Image: Tim Lovell

Shortlisted - Housing: Flock House by Pico Studio Architects. Image: Kevin Liu

Shortlisted - Housing: RK Residence by Seear-Budd Ross. Image: Rory Gardiner

Shortlisted - Housing: See-saw home by Upoko Architects. Image: Jason Mann

Shortlisted - Housing - Alterations & Additions: Glenmorven Studios by architecture + Image: Paul McCredie

Shortlisted - Housing Alterations & Additions: House of G by Bonnifait + Giesen Architects. Image: Russell Kleyn

Shortlisted - Housing - Alterations & Additions: Talavera Terrace Alteration by First Light Studio. Image: David Hensel

Shortlisted - Housing - Alterations & Additions: Mt Victoria Villa Alteration by Lovell and O’Connell Architects. Image: Tim Lovell

Shortlisted - Housing - Alterations & Additions: Chaffers Dock Apartment by Makers of Architecture. Image: Simon Devitt

Shortlisted - Housing - Alterations & Additions: Kelburn Villa Alterations by Mary Daish Architect. Image: Paul McCredie

Shortlisted - Housing- Alterations & Additions: The Screen House by McKenzie Higham Architects. Image: Paul McCredie

Shortlisted - Housing - Alterations & Additions: Sar Street Alterations by Parsonson Architects. Image: Jason Mann

Shortlisted - Housing - Multi Unit: Erskine by Common. Image: Jason Mann

Shortlisted - Housing - Multi Unit: Seaborne Development by Herriot Melhuish O’Neill Architects. Image: Andy Spain

Shortlisted - Housing - Multi Unit: Block Party by Spacecraft Architects. Image: David Straight

Shortlisted - Interior Architecture: Wellington Dentist by Bonnifait + Giesen Architects. Image: Russell Kleyn

Shortlisted - Interior Architecture: Samoa High Commission by CCM Architects. Image: Paul McCredie

Shortlisted - Interior Architecture: Bell Gully, Wellington by Ignite Architects and Bates Smart. Image: Jono Parker

Shortlisted - Interior Architecture: Stolen Girlfriends Club Wellington Flagship Store by Jasmax. Image: Thomas Seear-Budd

Shortlisted - Interior Architecture: Stravinskij by Seear-Budd Ross. Image: Thomas Seear-Budd

Shortlisted - Interior Architecture: Chapman Tripp Wellington Fitout by Studio of Pacific Architecture. Image: Jason Mann

Shortlisted - Interior Architecture: Generator 30 Waring Taylor by Warren and Mahoney Architects. Image: Thomas Seear-Budd

Shortlisted - Interior Architecture: Generator Bowen Campus by Warren and Mahoney Architects. Image: Thomas Seear-Budd

Shortlisted - Commercial Architecture: 8 Willis Street by architecture +. Image: Andy Spain

Shortlisted - Commercial Architecture: Site 9 Kumutoto by Athfield Architects. Image: Simon Devitt

Shortlisted - Heritage: 8 Willis Street by architecture +. Image: Andy Spain

Shortlisted - Heritage: Wesley Church seismic strengthening and refurbishment by architecture +. Image: Paul McCredie

Shortlisted - Heritage: St James Theatre Restrengthening & Conservation by Shand Shelton. Image: Paul McCredie

Shortlisted - Hospitality: Nga Waka Cellar Door by Aspect Architecture. Image: Andy Spain

Shortlisted - Hospitality: Ata Rangi Tasting Room by Makers of Architecture. Image: Simon Devitt

Shortlisted - Public Architecture: Whirinaki Whare Taonga Extension by Athfield Architects. Image: Jason Mann

Shortlisted - Public Architecture: Wellington Children’s Hospital by Studio Design + Architecture. Image: Mark Scowen

Shortlisted - Small Project Architecture: Brooklyn MINI-FAB by Bonnifait + Giesen Architects. Image: Russell Kleyn

Shortlisted - Small Project Architecture: Upper Watt Residence by Seear-Budd Ross. Image: Thomas Seear-Budd
Thirty-eight projects have been shortlisted in the 2023 Wellington Architecture Awards.
The shortlisted projects were selected from entries in the awards programme of the Wellington branch of Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects.
The shortlist was compiled by a jury led by Karl Wipatene (a.k.a. Architecture) and rounded out by architects David Melling (Melling Architects), Linda Wong (Wong Workshop), and Rohan Collett (Rohan Collett Architect).
The winners will be announced on 18 May 2023.
See below for images of the shortlisted projects, which are:
White House by Andrew Sexton Architecture
Kelp by Bull O’Sullivan Architecture
Four Corners by First Light Studio
Aotea Home by foster+melville architects
Waikanae Beach House by Lovell and O’Connell Architects
Flock House by Pico Studio Architects
RK Residence by Seear-Budd Ross
See-saw home by Upoko Architects
Housing—Alterations & Additions
Glenmorven Studios by architecture +
House of G by Bonnifait + Giesen Architects
Talavera Terrace Alteration by First Light Studio
Mt Victoria Villa Alteration by Lovell and O’Connell Architects
Chaffers Dock Apartment by Makers of Architecture
Kelburn Villa Alterations by Mary Daish Architect
The Screen House by McKenzie Higham Architects
Sar Street Alterations by Parsonson Architects
Housing—Multi Unit
Erskine by Common
Seaborne Development by Herriot Melhuish O’Neill Architects
Block Party by Spacecraft Architects
Interior Architecture
Wellington Dentist by Bonnifait + Giesen Architects
Samoa High Commission by CCM Architects
Bell Gully, Wellington by Ignite Architects and Bates Smart
Stolen Girlfriends Club Wellington Flagship Store by Jasmax
Stravinskij by Seear-Budd Ross
Chapman Tripp Wellington Fitout by Studio of Pacific Architecture
Generator 30 Waring Taylor by Warren and Mahoney Architects
Generator Bowen Campus by Warren and Mahoney Architects
Commercial Architecture
Willis Street by architecture +
Site 9 Kumutoto by Athfield Architects
Willis Street by architecture +
Wesley Church seismic strengthening and refurbishment by architecture +
St James Theatre Restrengthening & Conservation by Shand Shelton
Nga Waka Cellar Door by Aspect Architecture
Ata Rangi Tasting Room by Makers of Architecture
Public Architecture
Whirinaki Whare Taonga Extension by Athfield Architects
Wellington Children’s Hospital by Studio Design + Architecture
Small Project Architecture
Brooklyn MINI-FAB by Bonnifait + Giesen Architects
Upper Watt Residence by Seear-Budd Ross