The future of Cathedral Square?
Regenerate Christchurch has recently released a draft plan outlining the potential future of Cathedral Square. Changing the Square from one large space into three greened interconnected places, each with their own purpose and character, is one of the draft concept’s key ideas.

To create these better defined places, the draft concept proposes to build a series of buildings on the public land in the northern corner of Cathedral Square. A continuous water feature and native landscaping will connect the three areas, which could each boast the infrastructure and facilities needed to host a range of events.
Regenerate Christchurch is working with property owners as well as its partners – Christchurch City Council, the Crown and Ngai Tahu – and a range of stakeholders to develop a regeneration strategy for the central city area between Kilmore Street to the north and Hereford Street to the south, and between Cambridge Terrace to the west and Manchester Street to the east.
Ivan Iafeta, chief executive of Regenerate Christchurch, says, “We aren’t working with a blank canvas. This draft concept is based on the Christchurch Central Recovery Plan and on what people have said through Share an Idea, as well as more recent research and community feedback calling for a greener and more lively space that can host events”.

The five proposed key moves are:
- Reshaping the Square to create more lively public spaces
- Framing the Square with structures and buildings that can stimulate the arts, creative
enterprises, knowledge and education - Improving connectivity to, through and around the area
- Upgrading the streets and lanes between hubs of activities
- Integrating water and the indigenous ecosystem into the streets and public spaces.
For more information and to give your feedback on the proposal, visit the Regenerate Christchurch website by 21 August.