Southern Architecture Awards 2023: Shortlist announced

Shortlisted - Housing: Dalefield House by Anna-Marie Chin Architects. Image: Simon Devitt

Shortlisted - Housing: Remarbuckle Crib by Assembly Architects. Image: Simon Devitt

Shortlisted - Housing - Rock Solid by Assembly Architects. Image: Simon Devitt

Shortlisted - Housing: Ophir House by C Nott Architects. Image: Simon Devitt

Shortlisted - Housing: Bendigo Terrace by Condon Scott Architects. Image: Simon Larkin

Shortlisted - Housing: Matagouri Drive by Fearon Hay Architects. Image: Simon Wilson

Shortlisted - Housing: Wānaka Urban Bach by Hyndman Taylor Architects. Image: Sam Hartnett

Shortlisted - Housing: Closeburn Lodge by Mason & Wales Architects. Image: Simon Devitt

Shortlisted - Housing: Mou Tapu Crib by Mason & Wales Architects. Image: Simon Larkin

Shortlisted - Housing: Maunga Ora by Mason & Wales Architects. Image: Simon Larkin

Shortlisted - Housing: Winding Roof House by Rafe Maclean Architects. Image: Simon Devitt

Shortlisted - Housing: Owens House by Rafe Maclean Architects. Image: Mickey Ross

Shortlisted - Housing - Alterations & Additions: Lake House by Anna-Marie Chin Architects. Image: Simon Devitt

Housing - Alterations & Additions: Peninsula House by AQA Alessandro Quadrelli Architetto. Image: Marina Mathews

Shortlisted - Housing - Alterations & Additions: The Black House by Image: Bed Ruffell

Shortlisted - Houses - Alterations & Additions: The Pool by yoke. Image: Vaughan Brookfield

Shortlisted - Housing - Multi Unit: Toiora Cohousing Development by Architype. Image: Andy Spain

shortlisted - Housing - Multi Unit: Upton Street Townhouses by Condon Scott Architects. Image: Simon Larkin

Shortlisted - Public Architecture: Te Atamira by Ignite Architects. Image: Larkin Design

Shortlisted - Public Architecture: Whare Mahana (Luggate Memorial Centre) by Salmond Architecture, Hiberna Construction and WSP. Image: Vicky Fulton

Shortlisted - Small Project Architecture: Manuka Caseway by McAuliffe Stevens. Image: McAuliffe Stevens

Shortlisted - Commercial Architecture: The Langlands Hotel by Warren and Mahoney Architects. Image: Sarah Rowlands

Shortlisted - Education: Wakatipu High School by ASC Architects. Image: Marina Mathews

Shortlisted - Education: Otago Polytechnic O Block - Stage 1 & 2 by McCoy and Wixon Architects. Image: Graham Warman

Shortlisted - Education: University of Otago – Science Divisional Offices by McCoy and Wixon Architects. Image: Graham Warman

Shortlisted - Heritage: OUSA - University Bookshop Redevelopment by McCoy and Wixon Architects. Image: Nick Beadle

Shortlisted - Heritage: Bell Hill Apartments by New Heritage. Image: Trev Hill

Shortlisted - Hospitality: The Great Glenorchy Alpine Basecamp by RTA Studio and Bureaux. Image: Patrick Reynolds
Twenty-eight projects have been shortlisted in the 2023 Southern Architecture Awards.
The shortlisted projects were selected from entries in the awards programme of the Southern branch of Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects.
The shortlist was compiled by a jury led by Shana Payne (Respond Architects) and rounded out by architects Meiling Honson (Jasmax), Andrew Kissell (bell + co architecture), and lay juror Jewell Cassells.
The winners will be announced on 23 June 2023.
See below for images of the shortlisted projects, which are:
Dalefield House by Anna-Marie Chin Architects
Remarbuckle Crib by Assembly Architects
Rock Solid by Assembly Architects
Ophir House by C Nott Architects
Bendigo Terrace by Condon Scott Architects
Matagouri Drive by Fearon Hay Architects
Wānaka Urban Bach by Hyndman Taylor Architects
Closeburn Lodge by Mason & Wales Architects
Mou Tapu Crib by Mason & Wales Architects
Maunga Ora by Mason & Wales Architects
Winding Roof House by Rafe Maclean Architects
Owens House by Rafe Maclean Architects
Housing—Alterations & Additions
Lake House by Anna-Marie Chin Architects
Peninsula House by AQA Alessandro Quadrelli Architetto
The Black House by
The Pool by yoke
Housing—Multi Unit
Toiora Cohousing Development by Architype
Upton Street Townhouses by Condon Scott Architects
Public Architecture
Te Atamira by Ignite Architects
Whare Mahana (Luggate Memorial Centre) by Salmond Architecture, Hiberna Construction and WSP
Small Project Architecture
Manuka Caseway by McAuliffe Stevens
Commercial Architecture
The Langlands Hotel by Warren and Mahoney Architects
Wakatipu High School by ASC Architects
Otago Polytechnic O Block - Stage 1 & 2 by McCoy and Wixon Architects
University of Otago – Science Divisional Offices by McCoy and Wixon Architects
OUSA - University Bookshop Redevelopment by McCoy and Wixon Architects
Bell Hill Apartments by New Heritage
The Great Glenorchy Alpine Basecamp by RTA Studio and Bureaux