Happy Birthday, Resene!

The garage in Wellington where Ted Nightingale started it all in 1946.

An advert from 1958, where the brief to the art department was: “Just be sure it mentions Resene”.

Sir Basil Spence’s Beehive takes shape in 1977.

Graham Boucher and Ann Salmond study the revolutionary new Resene colour charts back in 1985.

The good and the great, including Kiwi architect and organiser of the exposition Mark Wigley, who went on to establish Volume magazine with Rem Koolhaas.

The fan deck arrives just in time for the summer of ‘87!

The eighties were such happy times.

Tomas Leeser and Renato Rizzi hit Auckland courtesy of Resene. It looks like a band was not far from being formed.

Hillary’s Hut gets some much needed TLC back in 1990. Today, there are fundraising activities taking place for some much needed restoration.

1991 was the inaugural year of what is now 25 years of continuous sponsorship of the National Architecture Awards.

Claire Athfield and Ian Dickson are front page news back in autumn of ‘91.

Maggie Barry was the “non-architectural juror” for the 1992 Architecture Awards, with Andrew Patterson picking up a gong for Knight House and Jon Craig awards convenor.

Sylvie Sandford in 1993: ” I believe the nineties will be seen as a decade of complete individuality”. A fair call indeed.

Remember that time Jean Nouvel dropped by for lunch and a cheeky pinot noir?

Prior to 1996 waterbased enamel was unknown to the industry.

Resene enters the internet age, with a call out to net surfers everywhere.

The numbers speak for themselves, over 100 emails received in just four months!

NZIA National Architecture Awards in 1998.

The 1999 NZIA – Resene National Awards as they were then known, featuring four architects who would all go on to win the Gold Medal, the NZIA’s highest accolade for an individual.

Karen Walker Paints by Resene hits the market in 2001.

The first issue of Architecture NZ appears in November/December 1987, this new magazine incorporated New Zealand Architect.

A 1960 Resene advert from NZ Painter and Decorator’s Journal.

Bold claims from 1960 copywriters; Don Draper would be proud.

First colour advert – just the one colour, mind! From 1968.

A 1961 advert.

Resene advert from 1963.
Resene, committed supporters of the New Zealand architecture industry, hit a landmark this year, celebrating 70 years in business. It all began when company founder and Eastbourne builder Ted Nightingale created Stipplecote, a cement-based paint for covering concrete in his Wellington garage.
While ArchitectureNow ponders what 70 years of business might look like for us, we have delved into the Resene archives and picked out a few highlights from some of their earlier newsletters and adverts.
So, happy birthday Resene! As Jasmax’s Richard Harris commented recently at the Resene-sponsored Brick Bay Folly event, “Resene has architecture as part of their DNA”. It’s hard to think of a better compliment than that.