Pulling an all-nighter: 24 Hour Design Challenge
As part of the 2018 Festival of Architecture, the Student Architecture Network New Zealand (SANNZ) is hosting the 24 Hour Design Challenge, which will run across Friday 21 and Saturday 22 September at the Te Whare Wānanga o Tāmaki Makaurau / University of Auckland.
One hundred students from the University of Auckland, Unitec, Victoria University of Wellington and ARA Institute of Canterbury will be participating in this exciting event that promises to stretch imaginations and inspire late night brainstorming (and discover how many cups of coffee one archi student can drink in a sitting).
The 24 Hour Design competition is organised by the Student Architecture Network of New Zealand. Last year’s event was held in Wellington and provided an invaluable opportunity to establish networks through design with architecture students from across New Zealand.
The competition brief will be announced on the day and the students will compete in teams of six to come up with a complete design solution in 24 hours that they will present to the guest judges with a five-minute crit.

The jury – which includes Karamia Muller, Nat Cheshire, Hamish Monk and Richard Naish along with Architecture New Zealand editor Justine Harvey – will then decide the top three designs. The finalists and winning students will take home their share of a host of prizes, including $1,000 cash from Thermosash.
2017 participant Carissa Pickett of the University of Auckland says, “The 24 hour challenge was a great eye opener to the workings and creative processes of not only other students but also other architecture schools.
“The quick nature of the competition propelled relationships with people and also the designs themselves, which alleviated the prolonged overthinking that many architecture students fall victim to.”
SANNZ’s Susannah Howlett, who was also a participant in last year’s competition, comments, “With teams addressing themes that ranged from housing, agriculture and sustainable energy systems, the fast-paced framework in which we were required to work fostered far-flung innovations that are rarely seen throughout the design studio.”
This year’s 24 Hour Design Challenge is proudly sponsored by Sika, Thermosash, ArchitectureNow and L’affare, with the support of Resene, Gordon Harris and the New Zealand Institute of Architects.
ArchitectureNow will showcase the winning designs after they are announced on 22 September.
For more information on other Festival of Architecture events, see here.