Wanted: Summer internship in Christchurch

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Wanted: Summer internship in Christchurch


Logan Cooper is a Christchurch-based Master's student and is looking for a summer internship.

Logan Cooper is an architecture student at Victoria University in
Wellington, New Zealand. Having completed his bachelor’s degree in November
2022, he is continuing his studies towards a master’s in architecture in 2023-2024. He says he is deeply passionate about architecture as a career, driven by a pursuit of
excellence and a bold vision for the future. With a particular interest in the
integration of sustainable technologies with immersive architectural design that is
engaging, interactive, beneficial to communities and motivated by changing social
and environmental dynamics. In addition he is keen on merging contemporary culture and the arts with architecture, in an inter-disciplinary manner.

Logan is currently looking for an internship in the field of architecture and design in
Christchurch, available for work from January to the end of February 2023.

If your practice or studio is looking for a motivated intern to help cover those early months in 2023 drop logan a line at [email protected]

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