Lifting perceptions with Green Star
Stephenson & Turner's Wellington HQ presented with 6 green star commendation for its "showcase of capabilities".
Key elements of the path to gaining a 6 Green Star Certified Rating on a budget were revealed at a function at the Stephenson & Turner (S&T) design studio (read the story from Interior magazine) in Wellington last night. Chief amongst these was a determination to reuse an existing stock of furniture and to measure and record absolutely everything. Additionally before refurbishing the studio special efforts were made to ensure the new lease made allowance for all the new work such as skylights.
More than 30 NZGBC and CoreNet members gathered in the 2nd floor loft interior of the century old building in Victoria Street for a presentation of the Green Star award by the NZGBC. CoreNet member Don Smith, of Colliers International, began the event by noting that the studio fitout was a “showcase of capabilities” and first and foremost about being a home for S&T. For S&T chief executive Murray Pugh the award winning refurb has also been about lifting what might be an otherwise staid perception of S&T in the eyes of others.Achieving the rating was about going for the very best while also applying the philosophy of doing “just enough”. Lessons learnt are now being used to inform all S&T projects.

The studio fitout features:
- Sustainable products and materials
- 8 operable skylights that maximise the use of daylight and natural ventilation (they automatically open when CO2 levels get too high, and parameters have now been adjusted for the likelihood of snow in Wellington!) that work in conjunction with an intelligent lighting system that adjusts the artificial lighting output (to conserve energy) in accordance with the daylight
- 90% of construction waste recycled or reduced (Everything from their furniture to the demolition partitions was looked at how it could be reused)
- Radiant heating
- Low Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) paints and adhesives
- A green wall
See also: