ICOMOS NZ announces scholarships for 2023 General Assembly in Sydney
The International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) triennial global General Assembly is to be held for the first time ‘down under’, in Sydney, Australia, from 31 August to 9 September. The theme for the 21st General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of ICOMOS (GA2023) is “Heritage Changes: Resilience, Responsibility, Rights, Relationships”.
Kei ngā iwi o konei, ngā tangata o te whenua he uri o ngā whetū, tēnā koutou katoa. Koutou mai i ngā kokona whare, mai tata, mai tawhiti, nau mai ki tēnei papa o ngā tangata whenua, haere mai ki tēnei hui whakanui, nau mai haere mai, nau mai piki mai, nau mai whakatau mai.
ICOMOS New Zealand, with the help of its lead sponsor Dulux, has established three scholarships worth $2000 each, to assist its members and those who agree to apply for membership (as a condition of being granted a scholarship), to attend ICOMOS GA2023.
ICOMOS is an international, non-governmental organisation of heritage professionals engaged in the conservation of places of cultural heritage value and dedicated to the conservation of the world’s historic monuments and sites. The organisation has national committees in more than 110 countries, including New Zealand, and is UNESCO’s principal advisor in matters concerning the conservation and protection of historic monuments and sites. It is also an official advisory body to the World Heritage Committee regarding the World Heritage Convention, to which New Zealand is a signatory.

ICOMOS NZ Chairperson and Ambassador of Sydney GA2023, Pamela Dziwulska, says she is looking forward to hearing how other regions are managing the effects of climate change in their environments, “and how we can help both them and ourselves ensure a sustainable future by safeguarding the past and informing the future. E kore e hekeheke, he kakano rangatira – a noble heritage shall not perish.”
Applications for the three scholarships are invited from ICOMOS NZ members, students engaged in heritage-related education or training, emerging heritage professionals or self-employed heritage professionals. Ideally, at least one of the three scholarships will be allocated to a Māori applicant.
Key dates and information:
Scholarship applications close: Monday 17 April 2023. See here for details.
Event website and registration: ICOMOS2023
Event dates: Thursday 31 August - Saturday 9 September 2023