Housing Summit 2022
The New Zealand Green Building Council are hosting the Housing Summit 2022, on 27 September in Auckland. An event aimed to unite those organisations dealing with our built environment in finding solutions to the climate and housing crises.
“Ko ō tātou whakapono ngā kaiwehewehe i a tātau moemoeā me ō tātau pākatokato ngā kaiwhakakotahi i a tātou.”
It is our truths that are the actors of separation. It is our dreams and difficulties that act to unify us.
-Wharehuia Milroy
There are around 2 million homes in Aotearoa. Every one of these homes should be a special place, where families build happy lifelong memories, where children can thrive, where loved ones laugh, cry, eat and share stories. They should be healthy, warm places.
Our homes are places where two emergencies meet: the housing emergency and the climate emergency.
These two emergencies share many of the same solutions. And these solutions are being worked on right now. Taking action to solve these overlapping emergencies will herald enormous benefits for all New Zealanders.
There are many different voices in Aotearoa working to fix both these emergencies. These people and organisations often have different approaches and different reasons and passions behind their drive. But ultimately, we all share the same vision for all New Zealanders to be thriving in healthy homes in a less polluted zero carbon Aotearoa.
Join hundreds of people who want our homes to be better, healthier, low carbon places in which New Zealanders thrive at the Housing Summit 2022.
An array of national and international experts representing a range of voices will tackle these two emergencies in a host of presentations and panel discussions, making this event the high impact happening in housing in 2022.
Register your attendance here. If you’d like to purchase a virtual conference ticket, please visit this page.
Know before booking:
- Access to the in-person conference
- In-person networking opportunities throughout the conference
- Fully catered morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea
- Invitation to the Welcome Function on 26th September
- Invitation to cocktail function
- Virtual access to all sessions for 90 days
When: 07:30 – 19:00 27 September 2022
Where: Aotea Centre, 50 Mayoral Drive, Auckland, 1010
Price (excl. GST):
- $425.00 Members
- $640.00 Non-Members
- $165.00 Future Thinkers
The NZGBC are aiming for this to be a ZeroCarbon Event.