Houses Revisited: Under pōhutukawa house
An iconic beach graced with an exquisite house by Herbst Architects, first published in 2012.
From the road, this beach house, in its opened-up summer configuration, reads as an encampment; up close, it is experienced as a beautifully sited verandah. The house is a beguiling essay on the relationship between structure and setting, order and nature, requirements and responsibilities.
There is nothing extempore about the building, which is designed and executed with perfectionist exactitude, but it is also a highly successful exercise in sympathetic placement: the pōhutukawa among which the house politely nestles are constantly and closely present. An iconic beach has been graced with an exquisite house. NZIA Awards 2012 jury citation.
Under the pōhutukawa by Herbst Architects is one of the four winners of the 2012 NZIA residential houses category.

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