Gold Medal-winning architect Pete Bossley to launch this year’s Fast Forward series

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Pete Bossley of Bossley Architects will speak at the first Fast Forward lecture in the 2025 series. His topic – The hunt for a good idea.

Pete Bossley of Bossley Architects will speak at the first Fast Forward lecture in the 2025 series. His topic – The hunt for a good idea. Image: Supplied

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Bossley’s Sir Peter Blake extension to the National Maritime Museum in Auckland.

Bossley’s Sir Peter Blake extension to the National Maritime Museum in Auckland. Image: Simon Devitt

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Bossley at Auckland’s Ngā Hau Māngere Bridge.

Bossley at Auckland’s Ngā Hau Māngere Bridge.

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One of Bossley’s paintings, ‘Coloniser’.

One of Bossley’s paintings, ‘Coloniser’.

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Bossley at Awhitu Peninsula, photographed here by his partner, artist Miriam van Wezel.

Bossley at Awhitu Peninsula, photographed here by his partner, artist Miriam van Wezel. Image: Miriam van Wezel

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The University of Auckland’s Te Herenga Auaha Faculty of Engineering and Design’s annual Fast Forward lecture series aims to foster debate, discussion and development within architecture, urban design and urban planning. First up in this year’s series is Pete Bossley – his topic, “The hunt for a good idea”.

Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects Gold Medal-winning architect Pete Bossley is one of the defining figures in Aotearoa New Zealand’s recent architectural history. Perhaps best known for the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa (designed while he was at Jasmax), Bossley’s work also includes the Sir Peter Blake extension to the National Maritime Museum in Auckland amongst other civic and museum projects.

Bossley’s Sir Peter Blake extension to the National Maritime Museum in Auckland. Image:  Simon Devitt

While producing some of this country’s most admired and adventurous houses, Bossley has also delivered apartment buildings, social housing projects and bridges. He has taught architectural design for more than two decades, serving as adjunct professor of Architecture at Unitec Architecture and Landscape School. He has also exhibited and lectured extensively on his work, both here and internationally.

In 2012, Bossley was recognised with the Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects Gold Medal, the highest individual award an architect can receive in New Zealand.

In his lecture, Bossley will explore the value of good ideas, through the production of architecture, sketching and painting.

Architecture/Sketching/Painting: The hunt for a good idea – Pete Bossley, Bossley Architects (Auckland)
Wednesday 12 March 2025, 6.30pm
Lecture Theatre 342, Conference Centre Building 423, University of Auckland
Register here for your ticket.

Other speakers in the series are ĀKAU and First Light Architects (Wednesday 19 March), PAC Studio (Wednesday 26 March), Isthmus (Wednesday 2 April) and Parlour (Wednesday 9 April). For more information, and to register, click here

The Fast Forward lecture series is generously sponsored by GIB® and supported by Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects10 NZRAB CPD points are available at each lecture. Attendance is free and all are welcome.

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