CoHo Hui 3: Collective housing models conference
The Housing Innovation Society (THIS) and AUT’s School of Future Environments are hosting the third CoHo Hui in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland on Friday 23 June.
Collective Housing models offer the opportunity to build vibrant and connected communities that embody values of connection, sustainability and well-being. Whether in the form of cohousing, co-living, community land trusts, cooperatives, or papakainga — or variations of these, collective housing models are an important addition to any housing eco-system and Aotearoa New Zealand needs more of them.
Purchase tickets here.
The theme of this conference is to acknowledge the current barriers and how we can bring about change to create more successful collective housing projects.
This year’s keynote speakers are Robert Temmel, Ian Mitchell, and Jade Kake. The format of the day will include these speakers, a panel of project presentations, a political panel with representatives from Labour, National, Act, Greens, and TOP, and then small group sessions on specialist topics. View the 2023 programme here.
Running in parallel to the conference is an exhibition of work in the Collective Housing area curated by Mark Southcombe, Associate Professor, FNZIA, School of Architecture Te Kura Waihanga, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington. The exhibition combines exemplar student work and visions with innovative and significant established and emerging collective housing projects, so both those learning and those applying knowledge are exhibited together.
CoHo Hui 3 is a chance to join a diverse group of innovators, future residents, project leads, professionals, industry leaders, and public servants who are passionate about working together to drive the evolution of collective housing in Aotearoa New Zealand.
*Win tickets* - Like The Housing Innovation Society on LinkedIn and comment on their post tagging a changemaker, for a chance to win tickets to this event. The winner will be notified next week before the Hui.
Women Revolutionising Housing
One of the CoHo Hui’s long time supporters is hosting a retreat following the Friday hui. Women Revolutionising Housing is a transformative retreat empowering women to redefine housing as a catalyst for thriving communities and to revolutionise the housing crisis in Aotearoa.
Find out more about the retreat here.
Visit to find out more.