2016 New Zealand Architecture Awards shortlist

Commercial Architecture category finalist: APL Factory, Hamilton by Jasmax. Image: Simon Devitt

Commercial Architecture category finalist: Aro Ha Wellness Retreat, Glenorchy by Tennent+Brown Architects. Image: Jonny Davis

Commercial Architecture category finalist: Duncan Cotterill Plaza, Christchurch by MAP. Image: Stephen Goodenough

Commercial Architecture category finalist: Cambridge Terrace/Lane Neave, Christchurch by Jasmax. Image: Simon Devitt

Commercial Architecture category finalist: The New Remarkables Base Amenities Building, Queenstown by Michael Wyatt Architect. Image: Esther Small

Education category finalist: Augusta Building, Auckland Grammar School by Architectus. Image: Sam Hartnett

Education category finalist: St Cuthbert’s College Centennial Centre for Wellbeing, Auckland by Architectus and Architecture HDT in association. Image: Simon Devitt

Education category finalist: Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngāti Kahungunu o Te Wairoa, Wairoa by RTA Studio. Image: Patrick Reynolds

Enduring Architecture category finalist: Awaroa Bach, Takaka by Athfield Architects.

Enduring Architecture category: Elder House (1976), Wellington by Athfield Architects.

Enduring Architecture category: Lush Family Home (1959), Remuera, Auckland by John Goldwater Architect. Image: Sam Hartnett

Enduring Architecture category: St Andrew’s Church (1960), Le Bons Bay, Banks Peninsula by Hendry and Mitchener. Image: Mary Gaudin

Heritage category finalist: College House – Replacement Dining Hall & Kitchen, Christchurch by Wilkie + Bruce Registered Architects. Image: John Doogan

Heritage category finalist: National War Memorial Projects, Wellington by Studio of Pacific Architecture. Image: Jason Mann

Heritage category finalist: Toko Toru Tapu Church, Manutuke, Gisborne by Architects 44. Image: Brennan Thomas

Heritage category finalist: Wellington Museum – The Attic by Athfield Architects. Image: Mark Tantrum

Hospitality & Retail category finalist: Fortieth & Hurstmere, Takapuna, Auckland by McKinney + Windeatt Architects. Image: David Straight

Housing category finalist: Bramasole, Waimauku, Auckland by Herbst Architects. Image: Patrick Reynolds

Housing category finalist: Copper House, Queenstown by Anna-Marie Chin Architects. Image: Marina Mathews

Housing category finalist: Craig House, Upper Hutt, Wellington by Craig & Coltart Architects. Image: Paul McCredie

Housing category finalist: E-Type House, Grey Lynn, Auckland by RTA Studio. Image: Patrick Reynolds

Housing category finalist: Fold House, Bay of Islands by Bossley Architects. Image: Simon Devitt

Housing category finalist: Homebush, Christchurch by Athfield Architects. Image: Jason Mann

Housing category finalist: K Valley House, Thames by Herbst Architects. Image: Patrick Reynolds

Housing category finalist: Number 5, Waiheke, Auckland by Architectus. Image: Simon Devitt

Housing category finalist: Peka Peka House II, Kapiti Coast by Herriot + Melhuish: Architecture (HMA). Image: Andy Spain

Housing category finalist: Remuera House, Auckland by Fearon Hay Architects. Image: Simon Wilson

Housing category finalist: Scarborough House, Sumner, Christchurch by Athfield Architects. Image: Jason Mann

Housing category finalist: Scrubby Bay, Banks Peninsula by Patterson Associates. Image: Simon Devitt

Housing category finalist: Seascape, Banks Peninsula by Patterson Associates. Image: Simon Devitt

Housing category finalist: Tom’s House, Queenstown by Anna-Marie Chin Architects. Image: David Straight

Housing category finalist: Torea Studio, Tasman Bay, Nelson by Tennent+Brown Architects. Image: Paul McCredie

Housing category finalist: Wanaka House by Lovell and O’Connell Architects.

Housing – Alterations & Additions category finalist: Belmont Garden Room, Auckland by Mitchell & Stout Architects and Rachel Dodd in association.

Housing – Alterations & Additions category finalist: Palliser Road House, Wellington by John Mills Architects. Image: Paul McCredie

Housing – Multi-Unit category finalist: Mary Potter Apartments, St Albans, Christchurch by Warren and Mahoney Architects. Image: Peter Cui

Housing – Multi-Unit category finalist: Zavos Corner, Mt Victoria, Wellington by Parsonson Architects. Image: Jeff Brass

Interior Architecture category finalist: NZ Funds, Wellington by James Fenton Architect.

Interior Architecture category finalist: New Zealand Post House, Wellington by Jasmax. Image: Jason Mann

Planning & Urban Design category finalist: Canada Street Bridge, Auckland by Monk MacKenzie and Novare Design in association. Image: Mark Scowen

Planning & Urban Design category finalist: #LightPathAKL, Auckland by Monk MacKenzie and LandLAB in association. Image: Russ Flatt

Planning & Urban Design category finalist: Pukeahu National War Memorial Park, Wellington by Wraight Athfield Landscape and Architecture.

Public Architecture category finalist: Christchurch Bus Interchange/Whakawhitinga Pahi by Architectus. Image: Simon Devitt

Public Architecture category finalist: Pukeahu National War Memorial Park, Wellington by Wraight Athfield Landscape and Architecture.

Public Architecture category finalist: Te Pataka Korero o Te Hau Kapua – Devonport Library, Auckland by Athfield Architects. Image: Jason Mann

Small Project Architecture category finalist: Olive Grove, Banks Peninsula by Patterson Associates. Image: Davor Popadich

Small Project Architecture category finalist: Studio & Garden Room – Peters House, Pakuranga, Auckland by Lynda Simmons – Architect.
Forty-seven outstanding projects from across the country have been shortlisted for the 2016 New Zealand Architecture Awards. The scale and typology of the shortlisted projects are wide-ranging and include a small garden room in Auckland, a wellness retreat in Glenorchy and a public high school in Wairoa.
The 2016 jury is made up of Christchurch architect Jasper van der Lingen, Auckland architects Megan Edwards and Michael O’Sullivan, and Melbourne architect Andrew Maynard.
“Private houses continue to be a strength of New Zealand architecture but it’s good to see that multi-unit housing is being designed to a high standard,” jury convenor van der Lingen commented. “The jury is also looking forward to visiting projects that enhance the public realm, like the war memorial park in Wellington and the Light Path cycleway in Auckland.”
Pictorial gallery of all shortlisted projects above, with a full list of the forty-seven buildings below.
- APL Factory, Hamilton by Jasmax
- Aro Ha Wellness Retreat, Glenorchy by Tennent+Brown Architects
- Duncan Cotterill Plaza (2014), Christchurch by MAP
- Cambridge Terrace/Lane Neave, Christchurch by Jasmax
- The New Remarkables Base Amenities Building, Queenstown by Michael Wyatt Architect
- Augusta Building, Auckland Grammar School by Architectus
- St Cuthbert’s College Centennial Centre for Wellbeing, Auckland by Architectus and Architecture HDT in association
- Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngāti Kahungunu o Te Wairoa, Wairoa by RTA Studio
- Awaroa Bach, Takaka by Athfield Architects
- Elder House (1976), Wellington by Athfield Architects
- Lush Family Home (1959), Remuera, Auckland by John Goldwater Architect
- St Andrew’s Church (1960), Le Bons Bay, Banks Peninsula by Hendry and Mitchener
- College House – Replacement Dining Hall & Kitchen, Christchurch by Wilkie + Bruce Registered Architects
- National War Memorial Projects, Wellington by Studio of Pacific Architecture
- Toko Toru Tapu Church, Manutuke, Gisborne by Architects 44
- Wellington Museum – The Attic by Athfield Architects
- Fortieth & Hurstmere, Takapuna, Auckland by McKinney + Windeatt Architects
- Bramasole, Waimauku, Auckland by Herbst Architects
- Copper House, Queenstown by Anna-Marie Chin Architects
- Craig House, Upper Hutt, Wellington by Craig & Coltart Architects
- E-Type House, Grey Lynn, Auckland by RTA Studio
- Fold House, Bay of Islands by Bossley Architects
- Homebush, Christchurch by Athfield Architects
- K Valley House, Thames by Herbst Architects
- Number 5, Waiheke, Auckland by Architectus
- Peka Peka House II, Kapiti Coast by Herriot + Melhuish: Architecture (HMA)
- Remuera House, Auckland by Fearon Hay Architects
- Scarborough House, Sumner, Christchurch by Athfield Architects
- Scrubby Bay, Banks Peninsula by Patterson Associates
- Seascape, Banks Peninsula by Patterson Associates
- Tom’s House, Queenstown by Anna-Marie Chin Architects
- Torea Studio, Tasman Bay, Nelson by Tennent+Brown Architects
- Wanaka House by Lovell and O’Connell Architects
- Belmont Garden Room, Auckland by Mitchell & Stout Architects and Rachel Dodd in association
- Palliser Road House, Wellington by John Mills Architects
- Mary Potter Apartments, St Albans, Christchurch by Warren and Mahoney Architects
- Zavos Corner, Mt Victoria, Wellington by Parsonson Architects
- NZ Funds, Wellington by James Fenton Architect
- New Zealand Post House, Wellington by Jasmax
- Canada Street Bridge, Auckland by Monk MacKenzie and Novare Design in association
- #LightPathAKL, Auckland by Monk MacKenzie and LandLAB in association
- Pukeahu National War Memorial Park, Wellington by Athfield Architects and Wraight and Associates jointly trading as Wraight Athfield Landscape and Architecture
- Christchurch Bus Interchange/Whakawhitinga Pahi by Architectus
- Pukeahu National War Memorial Park, Wellington by Athfield Architects and Wraight and Associates jointly trading as Wraight Athfield Landscape and Architecture
- Te Pataka Korero o Te Hau Kapua – Devonport Library, Auckland by Athfield Architects
- Olive Grove, Banks Peninsula by Patterson Associates
- Studio & Garden Room – Peters House, Pakuranga, Auckland by Lynda Simmons – Architect
The 2016 New Zealand Architecture Awards will be announced at a function in Wellington on 11 November.